Saturday, July 25, 2009

Very warm feet and smelly shoes?!?

Hi. I have the following problem. My feet get incredibly hot, especially in the summer time, and this results in my shoes smelling from the outside. However, they don't smell cheese or anything, but smell exactly like the material they're made of but like 100 time stronger and all my colleagues can smell it. If for example Im wearing a leather shoe the whole room smells leateher etc. When I take my foot outside of the shoe however, they smell fresh and neat?!?!?!

I am already trying foot powder, cleaned my shoes with whatever possible but nothing helps.

Does anyone have any solutions? Should I prefer any shoe material vs other ones? I dont know about that because everything that I wear lately causes this problem..

Very warm feet and smelly shoes?!?
Wear sandals to let your feet breathe.

Or try Nike's new shoes that pump air into the soles every time you walk. They're supposed to help with foot odor.
Reply:You need shoes with meshy material so your feet can 'breathe'. Perhaps you could wear thinner socks so your feet don't get so hot.

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