Monday, April 20, 2009

Would you risk your life for a dropped shoe??

some have more money than sense,, lady just crossed the road opposite me ran to get to the middle as she got there a shoe fell out onto my side of the road ,,she ran out to grab it with a truck doing 80 in a 50 k zone looming toward her(i thought i was witnessing our latest statistic) when she got to my side and asked here what in gods green she thought she was doing??she replied she had just paid $300 for them and didnt want them run over!!! i said is that all your life is worth and walked away shaking..... have you ever stupidly risked your life for something material possession like this idiot ???

Would you risk your life for a dropped shoe??
no - but then again, i would never pay $300 for a pair of shoes
Reply:things like shoes can be brought again your life cant.
Reply:haha, i bet she was blonde!!hah!!

i havent, for i have more then two single brain cells!!hah!
Reply:Maybe she had saved for 20 years to get that $300 just for that one special pair of shoes she had wanted her whole life???? Then would it have been worth it?

Probably not. But a lot of times we don%26#039;t stop to think about our actions and their consequences.
Reply:I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet. (Maybe he lost them on the street chasing shoes?) no cost..i would stand on the side and wait for traffic in hopes my shoe made it alive..besides why was she crossing the road with on coming young lady
Reply:True some people dont give up ,trained thought ,unessisary risks,bad instinks,that why cats have nine live yet some people probably think they have even more.feast or fammine!Some animals do learn to wait before crossing the road ,usually the poor judgement of the whole pack wanting to cross at the same time!


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