Monday, August 3, 2009

What can I wear to school if it snows?

Okay, I bus to school with my friend everyday and today it started snowing a little bit. We don't get a lot of snow here which is good but it's still cold. The cold goes through your coat into your bones...i hate it!

What can I wear to school that can still be fashionable and will keep me warm?

I have dark brown boots that goes up to the middle of my calves it's sort of short. it looks kinda weird with jeans tucked in but I still do it, does short boots look okay when jeans are tucked into it?

I have regular tennis shoes and the material is sort of waterproof, can i wear that? I have 2 coats with the fluffy hood, 1 vest jacket and a lot of longsleeve shirts and hoodies. Other than that, i just have jeans and gray sweatpants. etcetc.

What can I wear to school if it snows?
I personally think this is a great outfit for winter...
Reply:For you to tuck into your jeans, your boots should be afairly long, about right below your knee. Payless has lot of cute, warm boots for cheap! Just don't wear suede shoes in the snow because they get ruined in the snow! Old Navy has some really fashionable and warm clothes for the winter

You can look in the link


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