Monday, August 3, 2009

How to make my own blocks of rubber, and cork???

I am aware of how they are made, but i still want to know exactly what i would need to do, and what i would need to buy to make a block of cork, and a block of rubber at home??

I really am looking for this information because i would like to make my own shoes. Any other materials you may suggest i make shoes out of (besides wood) would also be helpful. (Mostly for heeled shoes, and sneakers). Any information would be nice.

I cannot seem to find blocks of cork or rubber that are the dimensions i would like. Approx. 10in x 4.5in x 5in

I greaty appreciate any help or information you can offer.

Thank You.

xox Brittany xox

How to make my own blocks of rubber, and cork???

Also go to and when prompted type in shoemaking supplies then just follow the links to the sites you prefer

dog skin problem

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